Thursday, March 02, 2006

Drip, Drip, Drip of Popular Culture

Suzanne Fields writes about the corrosive effects of our electronic popular culture. Everything Bad Is Good for You: How Today's Popular Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter, by Steven Johnson, says that electronics make us smarter, but the book ignores the content of the electronic messages. "Content is King," as the saying in writing circles goes. Yet, Mr. Johnson ignores this very basic concept in his effort to glorify technology.

As a side note, when people say that Jesus faced every temptation we do, I have my questions. It seems that the sins are the same, but many are easier to get away with now. Jesus didn't have the internet. I'd love to hear some thoughts on this.

EDIT: There is also an Unplugged Carnival that everyone should at least look at.


Anonymous said...

Jesus, could heal the blind so could have also blinded us to His actions if He was to sin? I think that we may have more creative ways to hide our mistakes but how long can they truly be hidden. For Christians, the Holy Spirit's conviction will catch up. If not, the question of your conversion should be re-examined.

Anonymous said...

It is an interesting, thought-provoking idea. I would say that not only are many sins easier to get away with, they are also harder to get away from.
For example, when I'm pulled up at a stop sign and the person in the car next to me has curse-ridden, sexually-explicit rap music blaring so loud that I can hear it even after rolling up the windows and turning on the air conditioner.
(That kind of thing really bothers me!)
I certainly don't mean to listen to the music, but how do I not? I don't want to think uncharitably about the people around me, but that'll prompt it! And one of these days my little boy will ask what that word meant....